I have strep throat. This is actually the first time I have been vertical in two days. I have tried not to speak to anyone, except my mom, cuz let’s face it, even when you are forty-three, you still want your mommy when you are sick.
She lives very far away; she lives in a far off very snowy place where if I were to move, I would have free babysitters and people to take care of me when I was sick. It’s a magical place called Minnesota. Snowy and cold and only lake beaches, but right now, sounds like the best place in the whole wide world. I miss my mom. I need chicken soup. I need someone to watch over me. Crap, it even hurts to sing...
Anyway, as I was saying or rather lazily typing, I tried not to talk to too many people yesterday and today because I was a little dizzy and still can’t seem to see that clearly. According to my blackberry, I sent two texts while in a drug induced sleep yesterday. Apparently, they were quite flirxty so now I have a date for Saturday night. Not exactly sure with whom…
My wonderful friend Moy took my boys to school the past few mornings so I was able to be asleep without a small child sitting directly on top of me. This always helps the healing process. Plus that whole pesky driving thing is no fun when you would just rather be horizontal. Driving horizontal. That oddly sounds dirty. I think it’s the fever. I think at this moment I could make anything sound dirty. Actually, at most moments I can make things sound dirty. It’s a gift. I can usually just do that with my eyes, but since I am blogging and not webcam-blogging (not a chance, I would have to put on eye liner for that), you will just have to take my word for it.
I am going to have to turn back into a mom in about 30 minutes so I am slowly trying to become vertical. I am slumped back into my desk chair, learning back with my arms stretched out wishing I had one of those voice controlled keypads because this is starting to hurt my wrists.
Motherhood blows when you are sick. I have to make lunches and dinners and check homework and then prepare for my school day tomorrow too. At least it’s Friday tomorrow so I can re-hibernate on Saturday, unless of course the date on Saturday ends up to be someone really cute. Then I will muster up some energy to well, put on lip gloss and a push up bra and pray I will be home by 9. Or that he is in the medical profession. Or better yet, that he is a masseuse. My neck hurts. My head hurts. My hair hurts.
This is actually the first time I have been sick in a year. This is amazing because the last two years have been nothing but illness for me. The year I was in graduate school I was sick with the flu three times. Last year, my first year of teaching high school, I was sick so often, I was actually known by name at our Urgent Care. The first semester, the first three months of teaching, I had pneumonia once, the seasonal flu twice and the stomach flu for ten days. By February 2010, I was a size four. (I always like to see the positive side of things.) I may have been sick but I was hot. Well, mostly from fever, but damn, size twenty-eight jeans will make anyone feel better. At least my ass was happy.
It’s funny. Even with being ill, my throat all swollen and yucky, I am still lying on my couch trying to decide if I can muster up enough liveliness to go to the gym. Just for the treadmill or yoga. But we all know that is so not going to happen. I actually thought about it this morning but fell asleep before I could make my decision.
Typing hurts. Head hurts. Throat hurts. Hair still hurts.
I will finish this later. That is if I am not napping.
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