I am in Minneapolis right now. Well, actually St. Paul at my sister’s house. My children are still asleep because of the two hour time difference. My body seems to think it's a Tuesday and woke up when my alarm normally goes off. Of course, it’s 8am here so it feels like it’s later. Emphasis on FEELS later. But I am good at convincing myself of things that don’t exist, so that works for me. I often convince myself that I am really twenty-six, that the smushy-ness on my belly is really attractive, or that popcorn is a vegetable. I can convince myself that four hours of sleep is adequate, that teachers are actually appreciated and that french fries are a vegetable.
My sister’s house is very quiet right now because only one out of my three nephews is home. The other two are at summer camp. Don’t get me wrong, I love my nephews, but damn it is quiet. My kids asleep, no one yelling, no sports playing on TV. It’s almost like a vacation...
I do love when all of my nephews and my children are playing together. My kids look up to their older cousins and they all actually get along. Plus my kids learn some new and interesting phrases from my nephews...
It makes me want to see if we could move Minnesota a little closer to California. Maybe like have it switch places with Nevada?
I also love Minnesota in the summer because it is hot and sticky-humid and it has been raining with thunder and lightening for the past two days. The air smells yummy and everything is Ireland green. Not like Los Angeles, where when it rains it smells like a mixture of wet-dog-pollution-homeless-people-urine-gasoline-litter and car exhaust. You can taste the smell of the rain in Los Angeles and it gets stuck in your nose. So, you can see why I love the rain in Minnesota. All yummy and fresh and smells like home...
The thunder and lightening was cool until it woke me up at like, 4am. I ran into the living room where I had assumed my children would be clamoring for their mommy but they were sound asleep. My heart was pounding in my throat and I decided to sleep on the other couch next to my kids, ya know, to keep them safe during the storm. Not that I was scared or anything and wanted to be near other people so I wouldn’t feel alone during a scary storm. Nope. I was totally brave. No, really.
Of course, then I began to imagine every horror movie I had ever seen that involved a thunder storm. I kept imagining that moment where the lightening flashes and you see the axe-wielding maniac standing there...waiting for you. I kept visualizing every horror movie from the 1980’s that I was forced to see on dates in high school. I think the boys back then thought they would get some action if the girl screamed and hid in their shoulder during the scary part of a movie. The girls knew about this, by the way. We liked that we knew we’d be getting a little action if we played the “oh, I’m so scared, please protect me” role. Ah, teenage games we probably still play...
I used to love playing the “no, I have no idea that you are trying to cop a feel” role as a young lass. Sometimes I miss the coy-girl role because you could get away with so much more. I have big brown eyes so if I make them widen it looks like I am surprised or just a little taken aback by my date’s overtures. I have long eye lashes too so if I bat them it’s like I’m a female Bambi. That crap doesn’t seem to work anymore as a grownup. Just straight forwardness now. Whatever. I guess straightforwardness is better. Maybe...
Maybe I will try to be more teenage-coy and see what happens. Ya know, like an experiment. I could pretend I have no idea there is a kiss approaching me and see what happens. Act all surprised and stuff. Hmmm...that could be fun. Like an experiment for my blog. Now I need some unsuspecting test subjects that wouldn’t mind being in my experiment. Know anyone? No, seriously.
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